2011年12月12日 星期一

News | Talia 最終確認會在TDKR出現了?

MV5BMTk4NzM2MjY4Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzc4NjMyNg@@._V1._SX640_SY963_Well, we now might have that confirmation from what absolutely has to be the most unlikely place imaginable: a profile of eight-year-old actress Leilah De Meza in an English local newspaper. Her mother is quoted in the piece as saying her daughter was offered the part of "young Talia al Ghul", and here's why they supposedly turned down the role:
"After careful consideration we turned it down as they were insistent that Leilah had to shave all her hair off. We were prepared to have it cut short but not shaved at such a young age. We were concerned how this could have affected Leilah's confidence and general social welfare."


via io9, CBM

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