2011年12月9日 星期五

Campaign | Operation Early Bird #2

map gotahm

RawWulf - 12/8/2011, 8:34 PM

I realize I don't have to defend myself because the map will reveal itself tomorrow, but I promise it's real. I debugged the Operation Early Bird page, found an IP address, surfed to the IP and was prompted for a password.
Another SHH user found a script that referenced some coords, I tried those as the password, and it revealed the map you see above. That's it ... About a half an hour later, WB had set up a redirect for the IP I found, and I was never again prompted for a password.
While I had the page open, I tried various coords without success. I don't think the map was fully functional yet.
One guess was that the map focused on the locations of IMAX theaters screening the prologue.
The reason I have Photoshop open was because I took a screen grab to post the image you see above. I also posted a zoom of the map on SHH.
So yeah, that's my story.



via CBM

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