2011年3月28日 星期一

News | 超人:鋼鐵之軀,露易絲蓮恩演員公布


#ManofSteel revealed! Your official first look at Henry Cavill as #Superman: http://twitpic.com/60ta4a Aug 04 via TweetDeckFavoriteRetweetReply
Amy Adams yaho!>//< “There was a big, giant search for Lois,” Snyder said. “For us it was a big thing and obviously a really important role. We did a lot of auditioning but we had this meeting with Amy Adams and after that I just felt she was perfect for it.” Cast: Henry Cavill (都鐸王朝) - Clark Kent / Superman Diane Lane (愛狗男人請來電) - Martha Kent Kevin Costner (誘惑) - Jonathan Kent Amy Adams (燃燒鬥魂) - Lois Lane

2011年3月25日 星期五

News | 黑暗騎士再起,演員新增一名


也就是之前說的Juno Temple,

飾演的角色是“a street-smart Gotham girl”



Christian Bale - Batman / Bruce Wayne

Anne Hathaway - Selina Kyle / Catwoman

Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Alberto Falcone or Black Mask
Tom Hardy - Bane

Gary Oldman - Jim Gordon

Marion Cotillard - In Talks

Michael Caine - Alfred

Juno Temple - “a street-smart Gotham girl”

Morgan Freeman - Lucius Fox

關於JGL的飾演角色,目前有兩派說法,不過看來目前是Black Mask比較正確

不過在官方消息外出之前,我先將兩位都列入 (imdb不一定100%正確)


EW是傾向Black Mask (雖然是非官方公布,不過EW是時代華納的,所以可信度大些)

Variety是傾向Alberto Falcone (這同樣也是可信度高的媒體)

BOF同EW (BOF也是最大的Batman粉絲站)

via Batman-News.com

另外Juno Temple不太可能會是Carrie Kelley (TDK Returns的女羅賓),



像是和Juno有演過戲的Talulah Riley在Inception裡面的名稱只有 "Blonde"

雖然說Talulah在Inception中的重要性應該是遠低於Juno XD

2011年3月22日 星期二

News | JGL will play the Holiday Killer or Black Mask?

According the Batman-News

Variety says JGL will play the holiday killer.

But EW reports he will become the Black Mask.

And the BOF claims JGL will become one of them.

What do u think?

Posted from WordPress for Windows Phone

2011年3月18日 星期五

News | Gary Oldman talk about the villain in the TDKR

在E! 的訪談中,Gary Oldman透露,Bane和Catwoman或許不是TDKR唯二的敵人;
I think it’s a villain from one of the old, old, from way back from the old comics. It is a Batman villian… It’s not going to be the Joker.


I think she’ll probably wear the cat suit pretty well, don’t you?


You must be excited in putting on the Commissioner Gordon uniform again soon?

Gary Oldman: My drab greys and beiges (laughs). I went to the production offices the other day and there’s all these fantastic pictures across the wall, Catwoman, this, that, and I thought where’s my wall? I don’t have a wall, I just have a rack of very very dull clothes (laughs). I’m looking forward to working with the gang again, Academy Award winning Christian Bale, I bet he won’t get my coffee anymore (laughs).

2011年3月2日 星期三

News | Anne Hathaway 確認貓女將出現於TDKR

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_j71H2g38eM]


之前新聞是宣布安海瑟薇飾演Selina Kyle


答案應該是"Yes 貓女會出現於TDKR" 沒錯了



via Batman-News