2011年12月31日 星期六

Interview | 安海瑟薇談論黑暗騎士:黎明昇起


“I love the costume, because everything has a purpose, nothing is in place for fantasy’s sake, and that’s the case with everything in Christopher Nolan’s Gotham City.”

        沒有任何只是為了好看的裝飾,就和克里斯多福諾蘭的Gotham City一樣


“Gotham City is full of grace. You look at Heath’s performance as the Joker, there was a lot of madness there but there was also a grace and he had a code there. There’s a lot of belief and codes of behavior in Gotham and my character has one, too. A lot of the way she moves and interacts with people is informed by her worldview. Chris has given us all such complex, defined, sophisticated worldviews that it’s just a matter of doing your homework and getting underneath the character’s skin.”




“I really got into the comics after I was cast and I like that when she made her first appearance she meets Bruce Wayne and says ‘Let go of me or I’ll claw your eyes out,’ and he says, ‘Careful, claws in or papa spank,’” Hathaway said. “So I’m glad we’ve come a long way since then. I’m not saying anything against Bob Kane, though.”



        所以我很慶幸已今非昔比,不過我不是在對Bob Kane做出批評


對於海蒂拉瑪(傳奇女星)對她的啟發Lamarr, Hedy_03

“I know this sounds odd, but her breathing is extraordinary. She takes these long, deep, languid breaths and exhales slowly. There’s a shot of her in [the 1933 film] ‘Ecstasy’ exhaling a cigarette and I took probably five breaths during her one exhale. So I started working on my breathing a lot.”



“What’s come before doesn’t limit or even affect this new version. It doesn’t affect me because each Catwoman, and this is true in the comics as well, she is defined by the context of the Gotham City created around her. Catwoman is so influenced by Gotham and whoever is creating Gotham at the time. Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman was informed by Tim Burton’s Gotham and Eartha Kitt was informed by Adam West’s Gotham. You have to live in whatever the reality of the world is and whatever Gotham is.”

       蜜雪兒菲佛的貓女是基於提姆波頓的Gotham而Eartha Kitt則是Adam West的

以下是Hero Complex對於電影中某一場景的文字敘述

Gotham City is a war zone. A ruthless madman named Bane has ripped away any sense of security and the citizens, haggard and clutching suitcases with refugee anxiety, sit behind barbed wire waiting to see what will blow up next. A hooded prisoner is dragged in – it’s Bruce Wayne, one of Gotham’s most famous faces – but the eyes of the crowd go instead to the woman in black standing at the top of the staircase.
“Sorry to spoil things, boys, but Bane needs these guys himself,” says sultry Selina Kyle, played here by actress Anne Hathaway, navigating the steps with stiletto heels that, on closer inspection, turn out to have serrated edges capable of leaving nasty claw marks in a fight. She also wears night-vision goggles that, when not in use, flip up and resemble feline ears.



一個頭上被罩著布罩的囚犯被拉了進來,他是Bruce Wayne,Gotham最出名的人物


"抱歉啦~男孩們,Bane需要這些人" Selina撩人地說著




via CBM, Hero Complex

2011年12月24日 星期六

News | 黑暗騎士:黎明昇起預告下載數超越復仇者


日前於Apple Trailer獨家上架



via CBM

2011年12月21日 星期三

News | 據報導,華納有點擔心Bane的聲音


Sources close to the movie say Warner Bros. is very aware of the sound issue. One source working on the film says he is “scared to death” about “the Bane problem.” And with good reason. The last Batman film, 2008’s The Dark Knight, grossed more than $1 billion worldwide, and the studio doesn’t want anything to tamper with Rise’s chances for success.

Sources also say some at Warners would like Nolan to change the sound mix, but the filmmaker, whose autonomy is well-earned (his Inception earned the studio more than $800 million and eight Oscar nominations), has informed executives that he plans only to alter the sound slightly, not to rework it completely.

“Chris wants the audience to catch up and participate rather than push everything at them. He doesn’t dumb things down,” says one high-level exec, declining to be named. “You’ve got to pedal faster to keep up.”








via Batman-News.com

Photo | 兩張新的高畫質劇照



via IMDb, Batman-News.com

2011年12月20日 星期二

Game | Batman: Arkham City免費Skin!


為了答謝玩家,Rocksteady將提供Batman Inc.免費Skin下載!



- Left, Left, Down, Down, Left, Left, Right, Up, Up, Down.

via Batman: Arkham City

News | The Dark Knight Rises Trailer #2 Officially Release 黑暗騎士:黎 明昇起 官方預告釋出 (新增中文字幕版)








2011年12月17日 星期六

Leaked | 序幕劇本




via wwtdd

Leaked | 目前品質最好的序幕(CAM)

News | 克里斯汀貝爾談訪問陳光誠遭公安阻擋事件

via Marco自言自語

(法新社北京16日電) 赴中國大陸宣傳新片的奧斯卡得主克里斯汀貝爾和美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)拍攝團隊前往山東省臨沂市,欲探視遭軟禁的盲人維權律師陳光誠。不料一行人遭當地守衛強行阻擋,發生摩擦。

CNN畫面顯示,守衛穿著似軍服的綠色大衣,對著克里斯汀貝爾(Christian Bale)和拍攝團隊揮拳。這些人也是CNN今年2月試圖訪問陳光誠時,攻擊拍攝團隊的同一批守衛。




via AFP

2011年12月16日 星期五

Leaked | The Dark Knight Rises Trailer #2 畫質稍好 (Update)



via CBM

Game | 提早體驗Gotham City Impostors!

PS3 - North America

360 - United States, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Ireland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom only.

Campaign | Bane Shirt and Map



照片中的地圖是Gotham City地圖



via SHH, Comingsoon

另外WB還有註冊一個網址 http://www.thereisastormcoming.com/

News | The Dark Knight Rises Trailer #2

根據官網的原始碼,應該會在Apple Trailer首播

<div id="exclusiveTout"><a href="http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/wb/thedarkknightrises/" target="_blank">watch the exclusive<br/>trailer debut</a></div>

Misc | Chand Baori?




via Official 'The Dark Knight Rises' community, Wikipedia

2011年12月15日 星期四

Misc | 黑暗騎士:黎明昇起預告膠捲!

via SHH

Leaked | The Dark Knight Rises Trailer #2


via The Dark Knight Rises Rumors, CBM



"You're as precious to me as you were to your own mother and father, I swore to them that I would protect you...but I haven't"


There's a storm coming mister Waynecause you will wonder how you could get so large and leave so little for the rest of us


"When Gotham is in ashes...you'll have my permission to die."

2011年12月14日 星期三

Misc | Nokia Lumia 800 – The Dark Knight Rises Limited Edition

身為Windows Phone 7 (我有一台HTC 7 Mozart)和蝙蝠俠愛好者,這款打動了我;


nokia-lumia-800-blackbg (2)


via Batman-News, WinRumors, My Nokia Blog

Awesome | 黑暗騎士:黎明昇起序幕


哈哈哈,鬼影行動一播完我就拿iPod touch上PTT發文了;科技的時代真方便。


Leaked | The Dark Knight Rises Prologue


Download Here or Here, 第一個較模糊,但是第二個清晰卻聲音錯位


via The Dark Knight Rises Rumors



via CBM

2011年12月13日 星期二

Spoiler | Prologue Audio

"I knew Harvey Dent, I was his friend"
"And it will be a very long time before someone inspires us the way he did"
"I believed in Harvey Dent"
"Who Are You"
Bane: It doent matter who we are, what matters is our plan...
      But no one care who I was until I put on the mask

Bane: Calm down, doctor. Now's not the time for fear. That comes later!

2011年12月12日 星期一

News | Talia 最終確認會在TDKR出現了?

MV5BMTk4NzM2MjY4Ml5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzc4NjMyNg@@._V1._SX640_SY963_Well, we now might have that confirmation from what absolutely has to be the most unlikely place imaginable: a profile of eight-year-old actress Leilah De Meza in an English local newspaper. Her mother is quoted in the piece as saying her daughter was offered the part of "young Talia al Ghul", and here's why they supposedly turned down the role:
"After careful consideration we turned it down as they were insistent that Leilah had to shave all her hair off. We were prepared to have it cut short but not shaved at such a young age. We were concerned how this could have affected Leilah's confidence and general social welfare."


via io9, CBM

Rumor | 關於劇情和重啟




2011年12月11日 星期日

VGA | Batman: Arkham City 獎項


Best Xbox 360 Game

Best Action Adventure Game

Best Adapted Video Game

via VGA

VGA | 兩款和蝙蝠俠無關的新遊戲預告

THE TRANSFORMERS: FALL OF CYBERTRON THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 看完海報,等預告的閒暇時間,可以看看這兩部~ 變形金剛必買!蜘蛛人因為是電影相關,所以看情形再說。

Photo | New Poster!!




還有海報上的標語,雖然這部是三部曲結束,所以THE LEGEND ENDS很切合;


via The Dark Knight Rises Official Site

2011年12月10日 星期六

News | About Trailer #2

A new The Dark Knight Rises trailer will play in IMAX digital theatres prior to Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol. #TDKR#StayTuned
Dec 09 via Twitter for iPhoneFavoriteRetweetReply

Campaign | Operation Early Bird #4



Campaign | Leonid Pavel #2

Я готов.
Dec 09 via webFavoriteRetweetReply

I'm ready.

Campaign | Operation Early Bird #3 (更新)






Update (2012/12/10 12:36PM):




Campaign | 官網更新




網址是 7202012.com/numbers 210MB

疑似是Number Station

Interview | 克里斯多福諾蘭談IMAX

via EW



christopher-nolan111ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Like several of your other films, this opening sequence justbegins — we’re in it from the get-go. Why do you like to do that?
You know, I probably haven’t thought it through intellectually, if you like. My feeling, particularly on an action film, is you want to be thrown into a situation that somehow takes your breath away early in the film. I think rhythmically — you know, I view these films as pieces of music — if you start with a bit of a bang, it buys you more time to then calmly move into the story and the characters. We have a lot of characters in this film, a lot of people to introduce, a lot of catching up to do with the audience. So I think it was important to really throw something big on screen and then take our time.

How much of the film did you shoot on IMAX?
We shot about twice what we did last time [on The Dark Knight], at least. Last time we were about 25 minutes [in IMAX]. Obviously, I haven’t cut [the rest of The Dark Knight Rises] yet, so I don’t know the exact running time, but I think we’ll be in the 45 to 50 minute range. Basically all the actions sequences, and some of the more large-scale other bits of the film that aren’t necessarily action. We even shot some dialogue scenes and some quite intimate dramatic scenes, which we haven’t done before. And so some of that will make its way into the film.

Did you ever contemplate shooting the entire film in IMAX?
I didn’t, because the cameras are so loud and so large, it wouldn’t really have been fair for the actors to make them do all the dramatic scenes that way. Although, I have to say, there were some very intense scenes that we did do in front of this massive camera that sounds like a generator or something, and they really did a spectacular job.

Would you ever shoot a film only in IMAX?
Oh, it would depend on the film. I don’t like to use ADR sound — I don’t like to record the dialogue afterwards. And so, unless they could make an IMAX camera that was quiet enough to shoot dialogue scenes, I think I’d always want to go to 35mm,  or 65mm like we did withInception.

With this prologue out there, people who have been anticipating this movie for a while are going to scrutinize and devour it. Are you excited by that? Are you nervous?
I am excited about it. I’m only nervous about it in that the rest of the film isn’t finished yet, so we’re still in the evolving creative process. I wouldn’t want the reactions to skew that. We try to work in a vacuum a little bit.

How much are you finding the film in the editing room? Or do you pretty much know how it fits together in your head?
It’s always different in the editing room. There’s a lot of discovery and a long process of rediscovery.

News | 黑暗騎士:黎明昇起 完整序幕劇情


WB logo

Ice. Cold. Crystalized imagery and a very familiar logo of a Bat.
Jim Gordon at Harvey Dents funeral gives a eulogy, a few words about
inspiring others…
An unnamed mountainous region.
A jeep rides along the landscape. Hooded men in the back of a jeep are
driven to a small plane… the jeep is met by an armed CIA agent who
takes into custody a political VIP, who is traveling with these hooded
men… or is he? The CIA Douche learns that one of the hooded men is
The hooded men, along with the political VIP are loaded onto the plane.
The plane takes to the air as the CIA douchebag interrogates those
taken on board. One of the hooded men is dangled outside the plane and
questioned/threatened and when the CIA agent doesn’t get what he
wants, he fires his weapon (next to the hooded man’s ear, he is not
killed) and then begins to question the other hooded man. That hooded
man is unmasked and revealed to be… Bane!
CIA DOUCHE: Was it your plan all along to be captured?
Suddenly, a much larger plane overtakes the smaller plane occupied by
CIA Douche, Bane and hostages. Operatives from the larger plane
descend onto the smaller one–
Bane in all his Ventilator glory is revealed….CIA DOUCHE: If I take
this off, will you die?BANE: No. But I will be in a lot of pain.
Operatives from the larger plane fire upon the interior of the plane
interrupting the interrogation.
The larger plane has ahold of the smaller one as it pulls it by wires
throwing all the passengers downward in a disorienting fashion.
After quickly overtaking the plane, Bane’s operatives bring in a man
with inside a body bag. This man is dead or looks barely alive. Bane
then takes the VIP political prisoner and inserts a tube and transfers
blood from the body bag man. (It’s confusing as to why this is
AND THEN… in a scene that no words will be able to do justice, a
hole is cut from the smaller plane and a wire takes Bane and the VIP
politico through the rear of the plane as the smaller plane is ripped
apart and is destroyed while members of Bane’s team sacrifice their
lives going down with the small plane. (Again, it should be stressed,
this description pales to what you will actually see, it’s a true
The chant can be heard at the end… Deh-Shay! Bah-Sah-Ra!
The scene is followed by a montage that includes many images we’ve
seen, the most striking includes the Bat-copter chasing down fatigued
Batmobiles down the streets of Gotham, and a final shocking image of
Bane tossing away a shattered and torn Batman mask into rubble…
The only complaint about the 7 minute prologue was echoed by all in
attendace: Bane’s dialog is very difficult to understand. Imagine
Darth Vader with a very thick accent. Hopefully this will be fixed in
the final film.
Overall this opening scene is confusing, epic, and will leave
audiences speechless. All in a good way.

via Batman-News


The opening piece of footage from the promo suggests that District Attorney Harvey Dent, who became Two Face in The Dark Knight, remains clear of the crimes he committed. Not good news for Batman who took the fall in his place.
“I knew Harvey Dent. I was his friend. And it will be a very long time before someone inspires us the way he did,” says Commissioner Gordon in a rerun of Dent's funeral eulogy.
“Congratulations, you got yourself caught. Now what's the next step of your masterplan?” says a CIA agent. “Crashing this plane,” replies Bane, being entirely serious.
He's certainly got the mystery of Keyser Söze given that the intelligence agencies seem to know very little about him. He's also pretty keen to hunt down the one man who might betray him.
“If I pull that off will you die?” asks the CIA operative, suggesting not much is known even about Bane's mask. “It would be extremely painful,” Bane replies.
“Have we started the fire?” asks one of Bane's henchman when he is asked to sacrifice his life. “The fire rages,” replies the crafty criminal.
If shock waves could actually travel across the Internet then that's exactly what happened when the first image of Anne Hathaway's Catwoman was released. First impressions on seeing it on the big screen suggest that was an overreaction.
..Hathaway only breezes across the screen for a second in her cowl but in a superhero series that edges towards realism she looks the part. She also gets a more sombre moment with a moody, troubled stare from the back of a moving car. Dare we say it's a bit Girl With A Cat Tattoo...

via CBM

News | Man Of Steel 片場照

仔細看還可以稍微看到General Zod的胸前圖案
