2011年11月30日 星期三

Interview | Gary Oldman談Jim Gordon以及JGL



On the lack of his Jim Gordon Mustache at the awards:

"The Gordon mustache is retired. They gave me a shadow box and it had in it my badge, my glasses, and a mustache. And he(Gordon) is retired."


On the mind set of Gordon in The Dark Knight Rises:

He is a little reminiscent of the Gordon you see in Batman Begins. They have tidied up the city, but there is still work to be done. He is very world weary.

黑暗騎士:黎明昇起的吉姆戈登會有點讓人聯想到Batman Begins的。


On Joseph Gordon-Levitt:

"He is someone who is talented. I do these scenes with him and you can't put a pin through an insincere moment. It's wonderful. You come out of character sometimes, because you watch actors and you find your self going God he's really good. He's lovely."


via CBM

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