2011年8月9日 星期二

News | Anne talks about the Catwoman suit reactions



"I was not going to admit it: I asked someone to send me a few reactions [to the photo]," she said. "And I happen to know that MTV's reaction was 'meh.' "

Now, we're not sure about the "meh" quote, but we will admit to using the phrases "cautiously optimistic," "unflattering" and "underwhelming" in our analysis.

Regardless, Hathaway said that no matter the first impressions, there is a lot more happening with that suit.

"What I am happy to say is, if you didn't like the photo, you only see about a 10th of what that suit can do," she promised. "And if you did like the photo, you have excellent taste."



Anne在說 "MTV's reaction was 'meh.' "的時候好可愛>////<


黑暗騎士:黎明昇起 (台灣暫譯...) 將於2012年7月20日上映

via MTV.com

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