2012年1月13日 星期五

Interview | 強納森諾蘭談Bane的聲音

MV5BMTc3ODM1MDE2OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzkzNDMyMw@@._V1._SY314_CR129,0,214,314_"I gotta tell you, I think what Tom Hardy’s doing with the role is spectacular. I have the benefit of seeing a little bit more than the audience has seen at this point. It’s pretty spectacular."

我必須說,我想Tom Hardy的表現太驚人了,我剛好可以比一般觀眾多看到一點內容,我必須要說,太棒了。

"It’s an amazing team with my brother, David Goyer and myself. Those are two great guys to work with and brainstorm with. I think Chris had long wanted to do sort of the aerial spectacular. It’s such a good fit for the Imax cameras that he likes to shoot with and so that was a long time in the making."



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