2011年3月28日 星期一

News | 超人:鋼鐵之軀,露易絲蓮恩演員公布


#ManofSteel revealed! Your official first look at Henry Cavill as #Superman: http://twitpic.com/60ta4a Aug 04 via TweetDeckFavoriteRetweetReply
Amy Adams yaho!>//< “There was a big, giant search for Lois,” Snyder said. “For us it was a big thing and obviously a really important role. We did a lot of auditioning but we had this meeting with Amy Adams and after that I just felt she was perfect for it.” Cast: Henry Cavill (都鐸王朝) - Clark Kent / Superman Diane Lane (愛狗男人請來電) - Martha Kent Kevin Costner (誘惑) - Jonathan Kent Amy Adams (燃燒鬥魂) - Lois Lane

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